For compact self-adjoint operators in a Hilbert space E, (11.5.7) yields
a formula for the solutions of the equation u(x) - Ax = y in E:

(1 1 .5.1 1 ) Let y = J]yk + ^jyk+yobe the canonical decomposition ofy in E.
k k
(a) Ifl is not in sp(w), the unique solution x of the equation u(x) - Ix = y
is given by its canonical decomposition

( x«£ ri + y^-yo.
k t*k A k vk A A
(b) If k is one of the eigenvalues ftk (resp. vk), then, in order that the
equation u(x)
Ix = y have a solution, it is necessary and sufficient that
j;£ = 0 (resp. yk = 0). The solutions are then given by formula ( in
which the term corresponding to fik
(resp. vk) is replaced by an arbitrary
element of E(nk)
(resp. E(vk)).

(c) In order that the equation u(x) = y have a solution, it is necessary and
sufficient that y0
= 0 and that the series £(1/A^)IWII2 and £(l/v£)||;y£||2 be

k k
convergent; the solutions are then given by
( x-I-ri + E-tf + Xo
k Mfc fc vfc
with x0 arbitrary in w~*(0).
Results (a) and (b) at once follow from (11 .5.7) and (1 1 .5.6), the formulae
being obtained by using the uniqueness of the canonical decomposition. The
same argument proves that if there are solutions to u(x) = y, they are neces-
sarily given by (, hence the necessity of the conditions; and if these
conditions are satisfied, then the right-hand side of (1 1 .5.1 1 .2) is an element of
E (by Section 6.4) which satisfies u(x) = y.

1. Let E be the vector space of all indefinitely differentiable complex valued functions
defined in the interval [0,1] of R (Section 8.12); E is made into a prehilbert space by
the hermitian form